Thursday, April 29, 2010

Project Backyard: Now with Access!

Kelly: "David, I just got home, and the house smells like gas and is full of smoke!"
David: "Um, yeah, that's because they are using a gas saw."
Kelly: "Using a GAS saw? That's a real thing?"
David: "Yeah, it's a two-stroke motor with a blade attached to it. I used to sell them."

...and that's about as interesting as I can make a post about installing a door where there wasn't one previously. As relatively un-interesting as it is, however, I am very glad to say that we now have a door from our basement to the outside world.

It's amazing what a door down there has done... We can now get into the backyard area without walking around the house. We can now move things in and out of the basement without maneuvering them up the stairs. We can now feel how the flow of the home will change once the basement is finished, usable space that connects to the outside world. And, we can now add an additional bedroom to the basement without having to add egress windows. Hooray!

One quick tip - Kwikset Smartkey Door Hardware and Locks. We used these in the new door, and it allows you to re-key the lock to any key in about 30 seconds. Waaay easier and more convenient than a locksmith.

Some before and after:

Monday, April 26, 2010

Guest Bathrom: Tub is in place

We have been making solid progress on the guest bathroom renovation. The cute mini-tub was installed, the drain was moved and plumbing adjusted, and the bench that bridges the gap to the wall has been constructed. It doesn't look like much yet, but soon enough it will look like a real bathroom again. I can't wait!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

A beautiful day in the neighborhood!

I'm so glad Spring is finally here and outdoor projects are starting up again! Before Winter hit we had a french drain put in. This left the side yard a muddy strip of ugly land.Since then weeds, random bulbs and grass have taken over.While enjoying the beautiful day I did some serious weeding, planted hostas and ferns, and put down a thick layer of mulch. Voilà! The side yard now looks like this...

Monday, April 5, 2010

Project Backyard: Now with Footings

While we enjoyed a wonderful trip to San Diego to celebrate the engagement of two beautiful people (congrats Erika & Scott!), our contractor was hard at work on the backyard.

The rest of the footings were poured:Forms for the stem walls also went up: