Tuesday, August 18, 2009

From Fail to Fabulous

One of my favorite lasting impressions from our home inspection was our inspector's take on the retaining wall pillar that stood next to the crumbling front steps. He took a photo and labeled it 'Retaining Wall Failure'. It was like a potentially good FailBlog.com entry but without the fail part. The pillar hadn't failed, it was just leaning towards failure. The kitchen faucet was a fail considering it didn't work at all when we moved in, but he didn't take a picture of it and label it 'failure'.

To rectify the situation, we recently had our local handyman Enrique work his magic on the steps and the pillar. He pressure washed all the moss and dirt off the wall and steps, repaired the pillar, patched the steps and repaired the cracks. Enrique never ceases to amaze us, he did a fantastic job! He succeeded where the pillar failed.


  1. It's like you got brand new steps!!! Enrique saves the FAIL!

  2. I didn't realize the post was taken apart and put back together. I also forgot the extent of disrepair the steps were in. Lookin good!
